10 Most Healthy Vegetables on The Planet
If you have been buying an assortment of vegetables from the grocery store, you are probably on the path leading to a fit and longer life. But, if you are not then you should start consuming veggies as by now you would be aware of all the huge health benefits.
Some cruciferous and green vegetables have been quite popular in recent times. But, there are so many portions of cooked cauliflower one person can eat before it gets tedious. Moreover, the increase in demand has led to price rise of these commodities. However, you do not have to follow the trend and eat what everyone else is eating. We have compiled a list of the healthiest vegetables for you, pick these without hesitation.
Carrots are really good for eyesight and they have much more to offer with the high levels of beta-Carotene which has nutritional value to reduce the risk of certain cancer types and eye diseases.
The beta-Carotene is converted to vitamin A by the body so that it can help improve the immune system and of course keep your eyes healthy and shiny. This orange veggie contains fiber, vitamin A and traces of vitamin C, toss a few pieces in your salad every day.
These curly green veggie leaves are full of vitamin K which plays an essential role in blood clotting. There is vitamin C and antioxidants that lower “bad” cholesterol or LDL levels hence reducing the possibility of heart diseases.
If kale leaves are something do not prefer, there is smaller version ‘baby-kale’ that you might like. Kale is packed with vitamin C and lutein which is great for eyes.
Bell Peppers
The beauty about bell peppers including their color options and ability to make any dish look colorful is that they are extremely low on calories (a medium bell pepper has only 32)! But, they are high in vitamin C and can provide up to 150% of your daily recommended value. It wards off atherosclerosis that could cause heart problems.
And yes, their nutritional composition does vary with their color, but the difference is marginal. Bell peppers can easily become a part of your daily eating habits if you are on a diet as they have extremely low-calorie count and will sate your hunger as well.
Greens are important and this one has a generous quantity of vitamins A, C and K along with manganese. Adding green leafy vegetables to your diet could help in lowering the risk of becoming type 2 diabetic.
Spinach is capable of fulfilling your daily need of lutein and vitamin K, and also provides potassium which is great for heart and muscles. To add more, it also throws in some fiber and vitamin C. They are an easy ingredient and can be a part of almost any dish.
Broccoli florets are a great blessing of nature; it is among the top sources of plant chemicals that assist in lowering cancer risk of certain types. A cup of broccoli also provides vitamins K and C. They can be incorporated into your daily diet in a number of ways and best if raw, the antioxidants with cancer-fighting capabilities come with huge health benefits.
Although technically, tomato is a fruit but it is served as a vegetable. Also, it provides major vitamin support of K, C, and A, they boost your immunity, reproductive health and vision. There are extra potassium and fiber for you in store here.
The most important component is lycopene, which has intense anti-cancer properties. Lycopene can also help you with osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and also infertility. It also provides a noteworthy contribution in fighting premature skin aging because of antioxidants and its ability to protect from damage of free radicals.
Mostly an onion is considered more of a flavor than an actual vegetable; an onion can, in fact, be very beneficial to your health.
Onions, when consumed daily in raw form can be helpful for people with hypertension by lowering their blood pressure because of the skin extract of onion. The ingredient quercetin grabs all the attention here; it is an antioxidant that is also present in berries and tea. This vegetable is also suitable for people who are looking to control their weight; an entire onion has only 63 calories and traces of vitamin C as well.
Beetroots have a beautiful ruby red color and these veggies are a great supplier of nitrates that are really helpful in regulation of blood pressure. Additionally, they provide fiber and many more nutrients. Do not throw away the leafy tops, they are edible and have a high content of Vitamin K which lowers the chances of you being a type 2 diabetic. Eat them raw in a salad, sandwich, and burger or just roast them.
Brussels Sprouts
This vegetable is a good antioxidant source and hence detoxifies free radicals that cause cancer. In just half a cup, 80% of your daily vitamin C requirement is met and also they keep away cataracts and heart diseases.
Brussels sprout is a cruciferous vegetable just like cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, and kale, and they provide similar key nutrients. These balls are a great fiber source and also minerals like magnesium, iron, and potassium.
Asparagus has a sweet earthy flavor, this veggie is a good vitamin B source and vitamin B is essential to fight against high levels of blood pressure. It has glutathione that helps in body detoxification; asparagus is mostly consumed in spring to cleanse the body of all winter junk food damage. It is an antioxidant, stands up against cancer-causing agents at the cellular level and provides vitamin C, A, fiber, and iron.
Most vegetables are packed with nutrients and making them a part your regular diet is actually very simple. These vegetables might look decent but are full of goodness that your body requires daily. Whenever you go to get groceries the next time, remember to buy these 10 veggies.